m-RESIST Solution at a glance
The m-RESIST ecosystem provides patients, caregivers and health professionals the ability to enhance their daily activities through two main interfaces.
A mobile app connected to a smartwatch: this pair of devices actively and passively collects and processes data coming from the patient, providing feedback according to three specific therapeutic interventions; namely, symptom management, treatment adherence and healthy lifestyle. Caregivers have access to a subset of functionalities of the mobile app.
A web dashboard: used by the health professionals to indicatively upload information related to their patients’ health conditions, as well as to communicate with them, monitor their status, and activate and configure the 3 therapeutic interventions available.
All the above are supported via the Sensor Module, the m-RESIST Information Repository (mIR), the Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS), the Recommender, and the Predictive Module. An integration layer, the ESB, secures the in-between communication. The Sensor Module collects data from the smartphone and the smartwatch, processes it and stores it in mIR. mIR acts as the central data repository for the entire system, allowing other modules to store and retrieve any kind of information in a flexible format. The CDSS is a rule engine that uses decision algorithms under given clinical conditions, triggering series of actions in the 3 therapeutic interventions. The Recommender module uses information stored in mIR to provide the CDSS with a personalized set of recommendations, addressed to the patient, caregiver or professional, according to therapeutic interventions. Finally thepredictive module predicts different indicators for a patient’s status, based on the information currently available in mIR.