+34 935532642mhospedales@ticsalut.catFollow usm-Resist YouTube
TICSALUT Foundation (Coordinator)Founded in 2006, TicSalut Foundation is an agency within the Ministry of Health that works to promote the development and use of ICT in the health and social care domain, acts as a trends, innovations and emerging initiatives observatory, and provides services for the standardisation and accreditation of products. Website: http://www.ticsalut.cat Twitter: @ticsalut | ![]() |
Fundació Institut de Recerca del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant PauHospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau is a reference model in Catalonia for its health excellence services. Through its research institute, Institut de Recerca del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, it manages all research activities undergoing at the Hospital. The research group on clinical psychiatry focuses its research in mood, personality and psychotic disorders, having extensive experience in treatment resistant disorders, specially schizophrenia and depression. Regarding psychotic disorders, the group has conducted research projects on: neuroimaging, first episodes of psychosis, psychotherapy for hallucinations and new therapeutic strategies in treatment resistant schizophrenia (Deep Brain Stimulation). Website: http://www.iibsantpau.cat Reference: Iluminada Corripio icorripio[at]santpau[dot]cat, Eva Grasa egrasa[at]santpau[dot]cat | ![]() |
Parc sanitari sant Joan de Deu (PSSJD)PSSJD is a private non-for profit institution that includes a general hospital and a large network of mental health services which provides comprehensive mental health and disability services, including neurodegenerative diseases. Its served area approximately includes one million people. It also focuses on bringing together basic research scientists and research clinicians in the areas of public health, mental disorders and disability. It also includes geriatrics long-term care institutions. It also carries out pre and post-graduate education and research. The mental health scientific activity of PSSJD is organized in 3 research groups: Etiopathogeny and treatment of severe mental disorders, Impact, risk and prevention of mental health disorder, Research on healthcare technologies and results in primary healthcare and mental health. Website: http://www.pssjd.org/ and http://www.fsjd.org/ Reference: Judith Usall jusall[at]pssjd[dot]org, Elena Huerta mehuerta[at]pssjd[dot]org | ![]() |
The Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy ResearchThe Gertner Institute of Epidemiology and Health Policy Research is a national institute that works closely with the Israeli Ministry of Health and in collaboration with Israeli health provider organizations to promote dynamic processes of change, reform and innovation in healthcare including large –scale deployment of ICT based services. | ![]() |
University of OuluThe University of Oulu is an international science university which creates innovation for the future, well-being, and knowledge through multidisciplinary research and education (http://www.oulu.fi/english/about-us). It was founded in 1958, and the research and education community comprises 16 000 students and 3000 employees. In the University of Oulu, the main site of the m-RESIST project is the Faculty of Medicine (http://www.oulu.fi/medicine), where research on schizophrenia has been done for 50 years. Reference: PhD Erika Jääskeläinen, Center for Life Course Health Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, P.O.BOX 5000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland, tel. +358 40 7191146 , email erika[dot]jaaskelainen[at]oulu[dot]fi Website: http://www.oulu.fi/english/about-us Twitter: @UniOulu | ![]() |
iMecInteruniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum vzw (IMEC) is a Belgian not-for-profit research and Technology organization (RTO). imec vzw (headquarters Leuven, Belgium) is the world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. As of October 1st 2016, iMinds, the digital research and incubation center has merged with imec into one high-tech research and innovation hub for nanoelectronics and digital technologies, under the name imec. imec’s broadened research and collaboration offering makes it a unique and world-class research center in the field of nanoelectronics, excelling in software and ICT expertise. The broadened innovation center – which will operate under the imec name – will use this knowledge to develop disruptive technologies and solutions in application areas such as manufacturing and logistics , health, smart cities and mobility, and energy. The renewed imec organization now brings together nearly 3,500 researchers, to make the impossible possible in each of those application areas. It also has access to a unique research infrastructure and an extensive network of local and international industrial and university partners for intensive collaboration. As a trusted partner for companies, start-ups and academia we bring together brilliant minds from all over the world in a creative and stimulating environment. Website : http://www.imec-int.com, http://smit.vub.ac.be Τwitter account: @imec_int, @imec_smit Reference: Shenja van der Graaf Shenja[dot]vandergraaf[at]imec[dot]be http://smit.vub.ac.be/team/shenja-van-der-graaf | ![]() |
IBM Global Services España S.A.IBM is a company dedicated to providing companies with solutions to improve their business processes. So, IBM provides its customers methods to address business problems through appropriate use of information technology. IBM provides these solutions through a comprehensive work covering processes from initial research and development to manufacturing, marketing and sales support process. The company also provides professional business consulting services, outsourcing and systems integration. | ![]() |
ATHENS TECHNOLOGY CENTER S.A.Founded in 1987, ATC is an Information Technology Company (SME) offering solutions and services targeting specific sectors incl. the Media, Banking and Retail Sectors, Utilities and Public Sector Organisations as well as horizontal solutions focusing on Content Management, Enterprise Software, Web Applications, Human Capital Resource Management and eLearning, and Mobile Applications. The activities of the Company span among several countries in EU, Eastern Europe and CIS countries, as well as the Balkans. ATC has also long experience in integrating applications related to the analysis of large scale data sets. Website : http://www.atc.gr, http://ilab.atc.gr Τwitter account: @atc_gr Reference: Anna Triantafillou a.triantafillou[at]atc[dot]gr | ![]() |
Semmelweis UniversityThe Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Semmelweis University has a more than a hundred-year-old tradition of academic excellence and commitment to education and patient care and is recognized as a nationally leading centre of research in several aspects of psychiatry. Our Department has a capacity of 100 beds for inpatient care and a day-care centre for 20 patients. Psychotherapy unit is an accredited cognitive-behaviour therapy training centre of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT). We provide a cognitive-behavioural group and individual program for patients suffering from schizophrenia. Website: http://semmelweis.hu/english Reference: Dr. Unoka Zsolt unoka[at]psych[dot]sote.hu , http://semmelweis.hu/pszichiatria | ![]() |
Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS)The Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS-Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya) is a public entity of the Catalan Health Ministry. AQuAS ́s role is to generate scientific and relevant knowledge for all the agents of the Catalan Health System to inform decision-making processes to contribute to the improvement of its quality, safety and sustainability. AQuAS develops its mission in fields such as health tecnology, drugs, health care services and ehealth assessment and evaluation, innovation as well as observatory and center of results for the Catalan Health System. Website: http://aquas.gencat.cat Twitter account is @aquascat AQuAS’ blog: http://blog.aquas.cat Reference: Anna Kotzeva akotzeva[at]gencat[dot]cator and Magda Martí magda[dot]marti[at]gencat[dot]cat | ![]() |
Ab.Acus srlAb.Acus is a company whose mission is to design and develop technologically advanced products and services. The exploration of the person-object-person interactions in all its inflections and applications is one of the main goal of our developments. The achievement of these objectives builds on cooperation in international projects with leading partners throughout Europe. In this perspective, we are involved in five new granted projects started in 2015, coordinating one of them in the robotic line. Website: http://www.ab-acus.eu Reference: Enrico d’Amico info[at]ab-acus[dot]eu | ![]() |
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems(ICCS) is a non-profit private law body associated with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. The Information Management Unit (IMU) of ICCS participates in m-RESIST. IMU is a multi-disciplinary Unit engaged in research and development activities in Information Technology Management with a focus in areas such as knowledge and semantic technologies; service and process engineering; and decision management. Website: http://www.iccs.gr/ and http://www.imu.iccs.gr/ Twitter account: @imu_ntua LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/information-management-unit-imu- Reference: Gregoris Mentzas, gmentzas[at]mail[dot]ntua[dot]gr, http://imu.ntua.gr/users/gmentzas. | ![]() |