m-RESIST services and care pathways

The three clinical partners of the m-RESIST group have been working on a document to identify and compare available health care resources in Israel, Hungary and Spain.

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m-RESIST group has performed a qualitative study to identify the user’s needs

At the end of May 2015, users’ focus groups were performed in the three countries involved (Spain, Hungary and Israel). This activity was led by Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu (Spain) with the support and collaboration of Gertner Institute (I

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ICIC16 – 16th International Conference on Integrated Care, Barcelona

m-RESIST Oral Poster,  “An innovative and integrative m-Health solution for treatment resistant schizophrenia patients” will be presented by MSc Anna Alonso (Spain) on  25 May 2016 at  the 16th International Conference on Integrated

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EPA 2016

m-RESIST will be presented during the Symposium “Lifespan development of schizophrenia and how the treatments improve outcome”, chaired by Professor emeritus Matti Isohanni (Finland) during the European Congress of Psychiatry (

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SIRS 2016

m-RESIST Poster “m-RESIST, an Integrative M-Health Solution for Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia According to User’ needs: Focus Groups Findings” will be presented by Ph_D Elena Huerta-Ramos from Par Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu (Barcelona) at the 5

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3rd Plenary Meeting, Tel Aviv

On 27th & 28th of January 2016, the EC co-funded project m-RESIST had its 3rd Plenary Meeting in Tel Aviv. The meeting was hosted by the Gertner Institute of Epidemiology & Healthcare Policy, at Sheda Medical Center.

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Learn more about m-RESIST project

m-RESIST infographic is now available.

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2nd Plenary Meeting, Barcelona

On 2 June and 3 June 2015, the EC co-funded project m-RESIST had its 2nd Plenary Meeting in Barcelona. The meeting was hosted by the Hospital de Sant Pau, at the Casa de la Convalescència.

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